Communications & Marketing


Phone Number

Email Address



5800 Bay Shore Road

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Media Inquiries and Policies

网赌平台网站传播与营销办公室是所有媒体咨询的主要联络点. All inquiries contact [email protected]


To ensure our campus community privacy and access policies are followed, please review the following information:

我们的社区(学生,教师和员工)有隐私权和言论自由的权利. In our duty to help safeguard and respect these rights, 对于媒体要求出现在赌城平台网站的情况,学院有严格的媒体政策.

If you would like to plan a media interview based on your subject matter expertise, please reach out to the Office of Communications and Marketing at [email protected] to help with the planning and any possible media access. 无论是媒体还是我们的赌城平台网站社区,请以尊重和专业的态度行事.

All unsolicited interviews with students 一名学生或网赌平台网站社区的任何成员同意要求媒体进行口头报道, recorded consent from those who have permitted an interview.  New College may require, on a  case-by-case basis, 由学生或赌城平台网站社区其他成员签署的媒体许可表格.

Credentialed media must request access 24 hours in advance 获得进入网赌平台网站赌城平台网站的许可和/或要求任何采访(教师), students, or staff). Please email [email protected] 媒体访问,以便学院可以审查您的请求,并通知您,如果您的请求被批准. 在紧急情况或不受限制的媒体访问可能造成破坏的其他情况下,可能会限制或拒绝媒体访问. Private, ticketed functions of the College are not open to the media.  

MEDIA ACCESS FOR PUBLIC AREAS: 在紧急情况或其他不受限制的媒体访问可能造成破坏的情况下,可能会限制或拒绝整个赌城平台网站的媒体访问. By regulation, public areas of the College, such as the bookstore/retail areas, and campus grounds, such as the Bayfront and seawall area, 在正常营业时间或营业时间内是否向非附属机构的公众开放. 宿舍附近区域和宿舍不对公众开放. Also, 在教学楼和其他学生专用区域(汉密尔顿中心), dining area, recreation areas, etc.) are not open to the media or the public.

MEDIA ACCESS FOR NON-PUBLIC AREAS: Additional non-public areas, including classrooms, laboratories, offices, auditoriums, theatres, athletic fields and facilities, 以及学院其他通常不向公众开放的区域,除非在这些区域内有邀请公众参加的活动, 或非附属人员是学院人员的授权客人,未经学院许可,媒体成员不得接近,并由学院指定的学院人员陪同. Please email [email protected] 24 hours in advance to review your request.

严格禁止非附属人员进入学生宿舍,除非提供授权合同供应商服务或根据住宿生活访问和客人政策作为学生的授权客人. 除本条例授权外,非附属人员不得进入学院财产. 如欲使用上述任何设施,可要求提供身份证明.

Any person who, in the opinion of College officials, is violating or has violated any law, College regulation, or policy is creating a disturbance, acting in a threatening manner, 或者营造不利于他人使用设施的氛围, 或以其他方式在引起对人身或财产安全的关注的时间内发现, 可能会立即报告给赌城平台网站警察或可能会被学院官员指示离开学院财产. If the person does not leave as requested, 赌城平台网站警察可能会作出回应,提供口头警告和/或发出非法侵入警告. The College, on a case-by-case basis, 可否出于执法或安全原因,要求新闻媒体留在指定的媒体拍摄区域内.

New College of Florida Campus Police are also authorized to arrest, per state law, 任何违反州法律或适用的县或市条例的人,当这些违法行为发生在1,000 feet of College property or facilities. 

The President, as chief executive officer of the College, or a designee, is responsible for the safe operation and administration of the College. 总统或总统指定的授权人员可以发出非法侵入警告. 总统有权指定公共活动可能发生的具体地点,并就此类活动如何发生制定条款和条件.  

All public records requests are to be made to [email protected] with the specifics of the request including topic, date range, 根据具体情况提供核实和履行的联系信息.


The mission of the Office of Communications & Marketing is to tell the New College story to key audiences locally, regionally and nationally through branding, communications, and marketing efforts that heighten the visibility of New College, enhance its institutional reputation, and advance the college’s strategic goals.

Services for the Campus Community

The Office of Communications & 市场部为网赌平台网站赌城平台网站社区提供一系列服务.

OCM管理各种向NCF社区和其他社区广播公告的渠道, including:

  • The New College Bulletin is emailed to Faculty & Staff on Thursdays.
  • Digital Screens throughout campus.
  • Social Media
  • New College News
  • Public Events on
  • Publicity, Marketing, and Advertising

Submit your event or announcement from the OCM Intranet Page, MyNCF login required.

To request professional photography or videography, email [email protected]

我们欢迎通过电子邮件为我们的频道提交照片,视频和帖子 [email protected] or direct message us through the app .

OCM manages the following social media accounts:

New College Social Media Commenting Policy:

Our mission at New College of Florida is to create a positive, 在一个相互尊重的环境中,人们可以自在地公开分享自己的想法, ideas, and opinions. This mission is carried over into the online world. 网赌平台网站的社交媒体账户和网站是学院可见的存在和延伸, wherever people engage with them. 网赌平台网站社交媒体的管理者肩负着维护这一使命的责任, 并确保我们帖子的评论区是一个公开对话的空间. 然而,我们将对破坏我们使命的言论采取行动,包括:

Use of vulgar, profane, racist, or otherwise inappropriate language; Spam or inappropriate promotion; Anything that may be deemed to be harmful to others in our online or on-campus community, 可能会对网赌平台网站的声誉产生负面影响,或被视为贬低我们赌城平台网站社区中其他人的工作或行为. 这些决定由学院的社交媒体账户管理员自行决定.

We do not like to remove comments, however, 这些决定由学院的社交媒体账户管理员自行决定. 因此,请遵守这些指导方针,帮助我们保持在线对话的积极性, friendly, and respectful for everyone.  

OCM manages New College’s advertising and marketing program. For more information email [email protected].

有关徽标、品牌标准和指南以及OCM的其他资源,请访问 OCM Intranet Page, MyNCF login required.

Communications & Marketing Staff

Nathan March

Director of Communications & Athletics Public Information Officer

Zach Richey

Manager, Multimedia Production and Media Center